Top 3 Image Optimize WordPress Plugin for SEO

Image optimize in wordpress is quite simple to solve what give us a lot of score in Google Speed insight check. If you check score with Google Insight you will see something like this.



In this tutorial we will show you 3 wordpress plugins what can help you reduce the image size but still keep a very good image quality. It will help to speed up the image load and page load.

1. EWWW Image Optimizer


This is my No. 1 suggestion since it ‘s very easy to use and save time. Even though you got a lot of old images what need to reduce size, it still help you solve that with Bulk feature. Check this screen



The EWWW Image Optimizer is a WordPress plugin that will automatically optimize your images as you upload them to your blog. It can optimize the images that you have already uploaded, convert your images automatically to the file format that will produce the smallest image size (make sure you read the WARNINGS), and optionally apply lossy reductions for PNG and JPG images.

2. WP Smush


WP Smush strips hidden, bulky information from your images, reducing the file size without losing quality. The faster your site loads, the more Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines will like it.

Look at this video and you will how it do

3. Kraken Image Optimizer


This plugin allows you to optimize your WordPress images through the Kraken API, the world’s most advanced image optimization solution.


This plugin allows you to optimize new and existing WordPress image uploads through Kraken Image Optimizer’s API. Both lossless and intelligent lossy optimization modes are supported. Supported filetypes are JPEG, PNG and GIF. Maximum filesize limit is 16 MB.